I'm in the middle of Vacation Bible School right now at our church. You see, my first husband, Gerry (short for Gerald), died the week before Vacation Bible School in 1992. I was the VBS director then. I am the director now.
Many wondered, some outsiders even scoffed at how I showed up and led the songs that summer of '92. All I can say is that I couldn't stay home. There was work to do. And if I had to sit down and cry after the kids left the sanctuary for their class - I did. But I also knew this was yet another opportunity to share the "God of Wonders" with children and their families. People need to know that God loves them. People need to know that Jesus will save them from their sin and give them a home in Heaven for all eternity.
So as I sing and lead children this week at VBS, I stand back in awe at the God of Wonders who has saved me and brought me this far. I leave you today with the words to this song. May you know the God of Wonders who loves you and gave His life for you so you might live! Remember, I am praying for you. Allow your heart to sing...
God of Wonders
Lord of all creation,
Of water, earth, and sky.
The heavens are your tabernacle.
Glory to the Lord on high.
God of wonders beyond our galaxy,
You are holy, holy.
The universe declares your majesty.
You are holy, holy.
Lord of heaven and earth; Lord of heaven and earth.
Lord of all creation,
Of water, earth, and sky.
The heavens are your tabernacle.
Glory to the Lord on high.
God of wonders beyond our galaxy,
You are holy, holy.
The universe declares your majesty.
You are holy, holy.
Lord of heaven and earth; Lord of heaven and earth.