

"God sets the solitary in families..."
Psalm 68:6

The first time I read that Bible verse, my heart skipped a beat.

Immediately I thought about all the orphans in the world. My grandfather grew up an orphan. But GOD gave him a family when he married my Nanna. And then two sons, seven grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren.

And then I considered the changes that happen to families when a loved one dies.

When my first husband died, (it's been nearly sixteen years now), much changed. My immediate family consisted of my nine-month-old son and me. My dear extended family surrounded me with their love and prayers and help as they were physically able. But life was definitely different.

A few years later, the dynamics of my immediate family changed when I remarried. And then again seven years later when God blessed my husband Jim and I with another son. We are still very close to my late husband's family. They are very much a part of our lives.

No matter where God is taking you on this journey called life, He wants to give you a "family". Each path God has given us to walk is different. Nobody can ever replace your loved one, no not in a million-trillion years, no not for eternity.

My point is this: "Don't withdraw yourself from family. And if you no longer have a family left here on earth, then become a part of someone's family. Yes, you can become a family to someone."

When I was a baby, my parents lived in a different state from my grandparents while my dad finished up his schooling in Seminary. My dad preached at a small church in Ohio and while I grew up there for the first two-and-a-half years of my life, I had "pseudo-grandparents". My mother tells me I called them "Mamal and Papal". I don't know exactly how I started calling them that name other than this loving couple cared for me and loved me like their own. They were involved in my life. My mom still fondly recalls their memory and has always considered them family.

God puts the solitary in families. Are you willing to let Him continue to work in your life to give you a family?

Remember, there is no better family to be a part of than the family of God. God makes this possible through His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, who died for your sins and offers you life. Rest in His arms today and trust in our eternal Father's never-ending love.

I am praying for you. God loves you and I do too.

In Christ's love,