

Day by day and with each passing moment...

Remember the words to that hymn? (click here to check it out)

Trusting God in our grief is a daily process.

I was encouraged by Day 13's GriefShare email which includes thoughts from Women of Faith author Barbara Johnson. Two of Barbara's son's died. She talks about how we live in a broken world and how as a Christian, each day is an opportunity to serve the Lord.

The short devotional goes on to say this:

"You are at a point where you need to decide whom you will lean on, trust, and put your hope in. Now is the time to search God's Word and hold on to this lifeline. God will meet you where you are, at your point of pain. Seek Him, talk to Him, and learn about Him. He is the only way out of despair."

Yes, truly Jesus is the only way out of despair. He gives us life and makes life worth living, day by day!

Love and prayers,

"Being confident of this very thing, that he who hath begun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ;" Philippians 1:6