Everlasting Joy
by Susan Kelly Skitt
Thoughts on Sorrow and Joy in December
Joy - what a bright and cheery word! How often I’ve used it to express my feelings about life’s happy moments. Thoughts of joy spring to mind when as a child with sleep tousled hair I would thunder down the stairs on Christmas morning. Gasps of joy would erupt when I saw all the brightly wrapped gifts sprawled under our glistening evergreen.
Joy! But what happens in times of sorrow, when the winds of loss howl across the caverns of my soul? When the bitter pangs of life’s disappointments chill my heart like the December wind? Where is the joy when the fingers of grief cling to my hand and death’s cold eye pierces my heart with its darkness? When the night seems unending and the tears spill unchecked upon my pillow - where is the joy?
Joy comes in the morning, the Scriptures say. But do I have to wait until the sun rises to send its golden rays of light across the landscape of my heart? God has told me in His Word that He collects each tear I shed in His bottle. Will He not hear my plea? Where is the joy?
But joy is here in the night watches where God meets me. When I talk with Him upon my bed, His gentle voice whispers words of peace to my soul. Like King David of old, my broken spirit finds solace in the God of my salvation. In Him I find true and lasting joy, a deep contentment born out of the sorrow He carried when He willingly gave His life on the cross.
Joy came that first Christmas over 2000 years ago, packaged not with bows and ribbons, but in human form fashioned with God’s hands of mercy and compassion. God has come to earth to save the souls of man, woman, and child alike. He has given a gift so priceless and perfect that I cannot contain the joy it brings – a joy that transcends mere earthly happiness found in life’s fleeting moments – a joy that lasts forever because it is found in the person and presence of the Son of God, the God-Man, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Joy – a celebration of life given to this world – experienced by the ones who willingly receive the gift - the fulfillment of what awaits the soul who trusts in the real joy-giver – Jesus. Joy – everlasting joy!